Railway Library Donation

The Society has had another railway library donated.

This was from Brian Fare of Wesham and consists of over 300 titles to be used to raise funds for the refurbishment of the DMU.

Brian, whose son is a Society member, worked as a locomotive fireman based in Preston in the last days of steam and was subsequently trained to drive diesels.

He particularly enjoyed the Fleetwood run when he could purchase a stone of fresh fish for a half a crown.

I thanked Brian on the Society's behalf.

This followed an earlier donation which was the result of a conversation between myself and a lady called Ann Hiley at our stall on Tram Sunday where she asked to donate her late husband David's entire library of railway books and DVDs to the Society.

It too was a huge collection, so much so that I had to do two trips to pick them up from her home in Thornton.

On behalf of the Society I would like to say "Thank-you Ann - we will sell them at our next event and we will raise money to go towards the DMU Class 108 fund".

Jeff Banks